5 gen 2013

The Community Bookshelf in Kansas City

The Library of Kansas City, which was founded in 1873, presents an architectural structure that reflects its function - is unique building of this kind in the world - "The Community Bookshelf" is a striking feature of city's downtown. It runs along the south wall of the Central Library's parking garage on 10th Street between Wyandotte Street and Baltimore Avenue. The book spines, which measure approximately 25 feet by 9 feet, are made of aluminum with applied large format graphics . The shelf showcases 22 titles reflecting a wide variety of reading interests as suggested by Kansas City readers and then selected by The Kansas City Public Library Board of Trustees. Among the titles selected are "Cien Anos de Soledad" (100 Years...

4 gen 2013

Weeds Blossom: a collection from the margins of paved roads

Weeds Blossom is a design collection inspired by wild city flowers: the small presences that share our living spaces, the so called “weeds". Collected from the margins of paved roads they have been transported on fabric through a photo-chalcographic process. The details of the flowers, leaves and stems are translated into a fine imprint characterized by unique and unusual details. Weeds and Blossom is "the negative of the aesthetics of conventional nature": plants that usually considered insignificant (tapinabur, echium volgare or dacus carota etc) become in their elegance, a strong and legendary presence. Weeds and Blossom is an invitation to open our eyes beyond the conventions that flatten reality. Weeds Blossom...

3 gen 2013

Small Moons, portraits of Louisville's community

SuttonBeresCuller are a trio of artists - John Sutton, Ben Beres and Zac Culler - who have worked collaboratively since 2000. They create ways to engage viewers beyond the confines of gallery or museum walls through mobile sculpture, street actions and temporary site-specific installations. The last art work created by the three artists is the Small Moons installation, at the Land of Tomorrow gallery in Louisville, Kentucky. The project is developed in partnership with artwithoutwalls. “Small Moons” is a site specific art installation incorporating found and reclaimed objects attached to large globe-shaped skeleton frames. The artists have been working in Louisville for a month on the exhibit, they asked local residents...

2 gen 2013

What Did I Buy Today? A journal about Obsessive Consumption.

Kate Bingaman-Burt’s artful new mini-ledger, invites readers to answer that question every day, promoting frugality. Kate Bingaman-Burt is an illustrator and educator. She has been making work about consumption since 2002. Her first book, ObsessiveConsumption, was published, by Princeton Architectural Press in 2010. The new pubblication What did I buy today. Obsessive consumption introduces new charts, graphs and illustrations of items worth saving for. “Obsessive Consumption is repulsed and grossly fascinated by the branding of consumer culture,” her site explains. “It wants to eat the entire bag of candy and enjoy the sickness that it feels an hour later. It doesn’t want to be an outside critical observer. It wants to be an...

1 gen 2013

Tony’s Farm in Shangai, by Playze

Berlin and Shanghai-based studio Playze  has recently finished 'Tony’s Farm' for the biggest organic food farm in Shanghai, which produces vegetables and fruits. It is meant to be more than just a place for vegetable production, its vision is to integrate the consumer and therefore promote a natural lifestyle. This is built out of 78 recycled freight containers. Containers were chosen for their strength as well as their sustainability, being "a metaphor for recycled space", as the architects explained. The container architecture has become popular, especially because of the iconographic and direct reuse of material. All over the world container structures emerge. Local bamboo was also used for indoor and outdoor flooring. To...

31 dic 2012

Krisis: An Archive for disorientation

Archive for disorientation Krisis Magazine is a project which underlying’s aim is to suggest a reflection about different aspects of the permanent crisis and about the responsabilities which come from operating as designer, that is to say as the ones who shape things, both material and immaterial, within this contemporary scenario.  The theme of the last issue is Orientation. From time immemorial, mankind has tried to constitute their own orientation within the world in which we dwell by using different tools for discerning information: linear language (in the shape of narrations and myths), by systems of classification (mainly of taxonomical type), by graphic representations (atlases, guides and maps), etc. During the last...

30 dic 2012

Sustainable Diary

Date of Birth: December 2012, Milan Sustainable Diary is a blog about day by day sustainable good ideas. Here you can find news on architecture, design, art, fashion... Follow us! ...

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