12 gen 2013

Haroshi: virtual reality

Today Haroshi will be presenting a series of new works at Jonathan Levinegallery in New York for his second solo show 'virtual reality'. The Japanese wood artist makes his art pieces recycling old used skateboards and 2013 marks haroshi's 10th anniversary in using them as a medium for his full-scale, three-dimensional sculptures. His creations are born through styles such as wooden mosaic, dots, and pixels; where each element, either cut out in different shapes or kept in their original form, are connected in different styles, and shaven into the form of the final art piece. Along with crafting these beautiful forms out of challenging materials, he hides a broken metal skateboard part inside each piece to give...

11 gen 2013

Luci: the cheap inflatable solar-powered LED lantern

Luci is an inflatable solar lantern was conceived to empower the developing world, providing greater equity to those without access to electricity. At least 1.3 billion people lack access to it, according to the International Energy Agency, and as many as 3 billion – half the planet – have only irregular access to power. Luci is also targeted at travelers and disaster survivors who seriously need a portable and reliable lighting solution to illuminate their way. Developed by a New York City startup Mpowerd, Luci offers 6-12 hours of light when charged, while collapsed or expanded, for six hours under direct sunlight or incandescent light. It incorporates the functions of a task light, flash light and diffused lantern....

10 gen 2013

Diario di Felix, a project about life

A year in Felix, a foster house in Rome, southeastern suburbs near Tor Bella Monaca, to tell the stories of Valerio, Ishmael, Joseph, Saleem and the other guests of the community. The photojournalist EmilianoMancuso has lived in Casa Felix with a group of teenage boys and their stories complex and difficult, creating "Il diario diFelix" (The diary of Felix), a multimedia project - consisting of documentary film, a blog and a photography project - in collaboration with Parsec and the association Zona. With the intimate and spontaneous language of the diary has immortalized the life of eight of these guys, sent here by the Juvenile Court, foreigners arriving in Italy and accompanying unprotected, or Italian separated from their parents,...

9 gen 2013

The Rubber Duck and our childhood nostalgia

Rubber Duck in Sidney When searching for the post to write today, the rubber duck was a nice shock, but on its sustainability? In the words of its creator on his work: "The Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it does not discriminate people and does not have a political connotation. The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has healing properties: it can relieve mondial Tensions as well as define them. The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages! " TheRubber Duck is a project by the dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. It arrived at 2pm on the 5th January 2013 at the Darling harbour, Sydney (AUS), for the Sidney Festival. Created from PVC, a pontoon boat, and a generator, the high rubber duck is the latest incarnation of Hofman’s...

8 gen 2013

Solar Mamas

Solar Mamas follows the remarkable story of Rafea Anad, a 32 years old with children and a husband who is eager to take a third wife. She is a Bedouin woman living in a Jordan’s poorest desert villages. She has only five years of primary education, and lives in a tent.  She challenges the status quo by travelling to go to the Barefoot College in India, run by the inimitable Roy Bunker, to train as a solar engineer for six months. Along with 27 other mothers and grandmothers from Kenya, Burkina Faso, Columbia, and Guatemala - many of whom are illiterate - she will learn the skills needed to bring solar power to the desert. Rafea struggles to make a difference in the world. For Rafea it is a life changing journey,...

7 gen 2013

The Azolla Cooking and Cultivation Project

The Azolla Cooking and Cultivation Project has been realized by Erik Sjödin in collaboration with various cultural organizations, universities and people who have supported and helped him. Is it now available as free pdf, as paperback at AmazonUS / UK and as e-book at Kindle Store. The Azolla Cooking and Cultivation Project (formerly Super Meal, 2010 - 2012) has been exhibited in several art spaces, at Färgfabrikensin Stockholm, at Kalmar konstmuseum, RIXC Gallery in Riga, at Kultivator in rural village Dyestad, at Salo Art Museum in Finland etc.. and of course on the artist own balcony! In this work artists, researchers, farmers, gardeners, chefs and scientists experiment...

6 gen 2013

Quid: recycle, create, support

Quid is a new brand of T-shirt, an innovative project that combines ethical and sustainable social and environmental impact. It is to recover, recycle materials, end of line and creating new models to put on the market through the capable hands of disadvantaged women. The project involves activities in productive and creative people in need, putting them into the world of work and society. For the moment we are working seven women, set in three cooperatives in the area. A girl invalidates 70%, three girls and three ex-alcoholics girls coming out of prostitution is, they have been involved in various capacities in the project according to their ability. Customizations and modifications tailored, made to Quid models are...

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