30 mar 2013

The radio silence on the blog

I've been away,  which explains the radio silence on the Sustainable diary for the past few days. I've been very busy with my day job and I also did a bit of travelling, Now I'm here, ready to write. ...

18 mar 2013

Dabba wallas: 4,000 men and 175,000 lunches delivered. A sustainable food delivery system

Today Sustainable diary writes about the successful system of the Dabbawallas, who manage to deliver food from mothers and wives at home into the hands of their sons and husbands who are off at work. “Dabbawalla” comes from the term tiffin dabba, referring to a tiered lunch box and “walla,” a carrier or vendor. This process, how you can see in the video, is complete sustainable. In The New York Times: "In India, where many traditions are being rapidly overturned as a result of globalization, the practice of eating a home-cooked meal for lunch lives on. To achieve that in this sprawling urban amalgamation of an estimated 25 million people, where long commutes by train and bus are routine, Mumbai residents rely on an intricately...

17 mar 2013

Sunday's tale: Bottle Masonry. Made house with recycled plastic bottles

Sunday's Tale: a post from the past On Sustainable diary last Sunday we spoke about an amazing building made with glass bottles, and also today we decide to tell a bottle’s story. Plastic bottle construction is an idea of Andreas Froese, an architect and environmental entrepreneur. Froese developed Eco-Tec, a method to utilize plastic (PET) bottles as “bricks” in the construction of houses, latrines, and water tanks. It is a good idea to address the problem by putting to use some of the million plastic water bottles discards each day in developing nations. The first plastic bottle construction project in Africa was pioneered in Uganda by an organization called Butakoola Village Association forDevelopment - BUVAD. BUVAD is located...

16 mar 2013

Buffalo Project: on-demand mobile electricity. A simple and unique solution

In recent years mobile phone communication has been a major contributor to economic growth in developing countries but its spread has been hindered by limited charging options for the 650 million off-grid mobile phone users who have network access. Having an operational phone means access to services that have improved banking, health and farming in Africa and Asia. Many millions of people at the bottom of the economic pyramid are expected to acquire mobile phones, greatly benefiting their lives, business activities and access to information. However, most of these new subscribers will not have direct access to electricity. In response to the growing problem, London-based Buffalo Grid have developed a text message activated solar-powered...

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